Department of Neurology and Neurosciences

Spandan hospital provides comprehensive services for the diagnosis, treatment, and care of all conditions that affect the brain, spinal cord, muscles, and peripheral nervous system. The neurology department has a perfect combination of experience, expertise, and believes in providing the ultimate patient experience with ethically guided most conventional medical practices. Ably aided by an experienced neurosurgery team, latest Neuro-Radiology services, Neuro-Intensive Care facilities, and full-fledged neuro-rehabilitation facilities, our Neurologists deliver results in neurological disease & treatments matching those of the leading institutions across the country. 

The hospital provides care for the entire spectrum of neurological diseases including stroke, epilepsy, movement disorders, dementia, and other cognitive conditions, neuroimmunological disorders, headache, neuromuscular diseases, and sleep disorders.

Consultant Neurologist, Unit Director:

Dr Prachi Barvalia

Availability: By Appointment