Outreach Projects

Outreach projects carried out at slums:

The growth of cities has always been accompanied by the growth of slums. Holistic Health in Urban Slums is an important aspect of spandan’s outreach project. Mental Health & School health is an integral part of spandan’s functioning.

We had undertaken a challenging project under AYUSH – Public Health Initiative. The project was dedicated to the needs of children with disabilities, mental health dysfunctions in the community as well as mainstream schools. We have adopted various schools from slum & underprivileged areas.

SPANDAN’s Work in Community under Public health initiative: SPANDAN under PHI undertook Project entitled “Promoting positive health & carrying out holistic psycho-educational intervention in children through Homoeopathy as a central therapeutic modality in mainstream schools and urban slums of ‘M’ & ‘N’ wards of Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC).”

The project focused on the identification and management of children with educational dysfunctions and mental health issues in mainstream schools of slum area in ‘M’ & ‘N’ wards of BMC. Institute has been able to cover a larger population in the ‘M’&’N’ wards of BMC of approximately 4.90 lakhs. Spandan Screened 11832 students from the BMC school & slum area in this project.

We seek to improve the health in urban slum communities in Mumbai, India, through action-oriented research in close collaboration with key local stakeholders.

The project brought about a significant reduction of behavioral, emotional, and scholastic difficulties in children with Homoeopathy. There was a mark reduction in school dropouts & overall marked improvement in the mental health of children through Homoeopathy.

Special Schools:

Spandan holistic institute has taken up a unique project of holistic psychoeducational intervention in BMC schools situated in slum areas of M and N ward. This project has been taken under AAYUSH- Public health initiative scheme. We also conduct Holistic Child Care Center, Comprehensive Mobile Clinic, and HIV/AIDS care center.

Every child has divine potential. Many times various factors work as obstacles and do not allow the child to achieve his potential. Obstacles could be due to emotional difficulties, serious behavioral dysfunctions or problems of perception

Under this project, the institute has selected various BMC schools in the Deonar area, Mankhurd – Govandi, Ramabai Ambedkar Nagar, and Pantnagar areas of M and N ward.

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