Centre of Excellence

Project: Upgradation to Centre of Excellence

(Under Central sector scheme: Ayush)


1. Quality Homoeopathic research in the field of developmental disabilities & mental health disorders of children.


[Ι] Homoeopathic Clinical Research

A) “Effectiveness of Homeopathic Treatment in Sensory Processing Disorders in Autism, ADHD and Learning Disability”

Investigators: Dr. Praful Barvalia & Dr. Nrupen Bhutkar

Abstract: Sensory Processing Disorder is a condition in which the sensory signals received by the central nervous system do not become organized into an appropriate response. This happens in Autism, ADHD, And Learning Disability. Presentation is based on the clinical experiences acquired at Spandan Holistic Multidisciplinary Institute, Mumbai where 234 cases of these disorders were treated with Homoeopathy. Cases were studied through care giver’s sensory profile 2, in autistic children with CARS, ATEC, and AHS. In autistic children, the Sensory index per ATEC recorded 43% change; while compared to six months prior to treatment and the start of treatment the mean change was around 9%. Six months before treatment ATEC was around 70.67 and went up to 73.68. Then our treatment started. After 12 months of homeopathic intervention, it came down to 55.47 and after 18 months 46.41. Thus mean change in ATEC is 27.27 while changes in sensory components were 43%. Homeopathic medicines have a profound impact on sensory issues and bring about its correction-fast. For Homoeopathic anamnesis, the totality of the cases was perceived by taking into account sensory patterns, kinetic state, regressive state, features pertaining to affects and mood, and qualified aspects. SPD is a multi-factorial phenomenon, wherein psychological, psychodynamic factors, mother’s state during pregnancy as well as suppression and vaccination can contribute to the emergence as well as maintenance of the disorder. The reduction of autistic, ADHD, and LD features and rehabilitation in the mainstream society of the child can be achieved through a classical homeopathic approach.

Keywords: sensory pattern, kinetic state, Regression, multi-factorial, Totality, Sensory-Processing-Disorder, Autism, Homoeopathic – approach

PRESENTATION: KEYNOTE SPEAKER – Dr. Praful Barvalia / Preparation Support – Dr. Nrupen Bhutkar

1st Malaysian International Integrative Healthcare Conference (MIIHC) 2017 – Integrated Management of Children with Special Needs, CYBERJAYA UNIVERSITY COLLEGE of MEDICAL SCIENCES (CUCMS), MALAYSIA.

B) “Evaluation of Effectiveness of Homoeopathy and Occupational Therapy in Sensory Processing Problems of Children Suffering from Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder”

Investigators: Dr. Nrupen Bhutkar & Dr. Praful Barvalia


To explore the effectiveness of Homoeopathic intervention with Occupational Therapy in Sensory Processing Problems of children suffering from ADHD and compare it with the effect of Occupational Therapy as observed through a reduction in corresponding Scores
Observe overall effect in symptoms of ADHD after Homoeopathic intervention when there is a reduction in symptoms of Sensory Processing problems with respective scales i.e. Conner’s for ADHD and Sensory Processing Profile for SPP.
To perceive the various causes responsible for ADHD and Sensory Processing Problems and to know its miasmatic background by detail Clinical evaluation and History taking :
To perceive the state of susceptibility in Sensory Processing Problems.
To study a group of remedies coming up in the treatment of Sensory Processing Problems of children suffering from ADHD.

C) “Holistic Psycho-educational Intervention in children with uncivilized behavior in mainstream municipal school”

Investigators: Dr. Rahul Suryavanshi, Dr. Bishnu, Dr. Praful Barvalia and Dr. Pournima Thakkar

Aim: To study the criminal propensity among the children and adolescent in slum area manage them through “ Holistic Psycho-educational approach”

Children from Municipal schools were evaluated with the help of a well-designed questionnaire and those found positive were taken up for the study. We found 101 students out of a total of 466 students of urban slum schools showing a great propensity towards conduct issues and criminal behavior. They were further evaluated by psychometry and interview and 62 cases were taken up. Cases were being studied by Homoeopathic physicians and psychologists and prescribed Homoeopathy.

Clinical Studies Undertaken in Past

A) Homoeopathic intervention in mood disorders :
Project to identify children with mood disorders studying in the school of Ramabai Ambedkar Nagar Slums. This screening helped in early identification, management, and prevention of depression in children. 581 children were screened, 53 were found suffering from mood disorder – childhood depression.

Screening and assessment for depression were undertaken in three phases. During phase 1 and 2, 581 school children in the age group of 9-16 years, studying in BMC schools of localities of Mumbai city Ramabai Nagar were screened for depression using childhood depression inventory. The study was conducted for a time period of about 3 years.

Out of these 581 children, it was found that 53 children suffered from depression. These 53 students underwent homoeopathic treatment with timely follow up and review from teachers and parents. Remedies came up with the following themes – conscience, self-image, insult/mortification, deprivation/ rejection.

After a period of about 1 year and 4 months, post evaluation of the psychometric testing was done. Changes achieved in the scores are statistically significant and Homoeopathic intervention has definitely helped to bring down depression. (mean changes in CDI score is 17.92 and CDI mean % change is 28% ) ( t = 18.4, p<0.01)

Paper was presented at the INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE by Homoeopathic Liga organized in New Delhi in December 2011, copy of the paper is attached. (Report attached)

You can also download the childhood depression brochure from here.

B) Study etiological factors of 100 cases of Autism spectrum Disorder :
Causation as a multifactorial phenomenon in Autism from Homoeopathic angle.

Our study has thrown greater insight into probable etiological factors in Autism.

Autism is a multifactorial phenomenon. We explored the impact of the following factors contributing towards the development of autistic features:-

a) Genetic
b) hypoxic brain injury
c) H/O head injury
d) Vaccination
e) Emotional trauma in infancy
f) Infective illness in a child preceding autism

Our study also explored the mother’s medical and psychological health during pregnancy and if at all, it has any bearing on autism.

C) Identification of malnutrition in urban slum school children and to explore the impact on Mental Health :
Total number of children screened – 800

Moderate grade of malnourished – 300

Mild grade of malnourished – 258

Scholastic backwardness cases in malnourished children – 242

Children who were found suffering from Malnutrition taken up for the Homoeopathic treatment and were also given relevant diet instructions. The study also highlighted the role of constitutional treatment in the management of malnutrition. A number of children with these disorders were also suffering from Helminthiasis. Homoeopathic treatment has a positive role to play in eradicating women’s infestations and thus treating the root cause of Malnutrition. Laboratory helped to carry out other related investigations in such children Children suffering from mental health issues/scholastic backwardness were taken up for detailed study and treatment. This work is going on.

D) Identification of malnutrition in urban slum school children and to explore the impact on Mental Health :
We have conducted a research project titled as, “Effectiveness of Homoeopathic intervention in Autism Spectrum Disorder” under Auspices of Central Council Of Research In Homoeopathy under Ministry Of Ayush, Govt of India, Dr. Praful Barvalia as Principal Investigator. Read more

[ΙΙ] Fundamental Research
Project in fundamental research. Project carried out in collaboration with the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai.

Ultra dilution is the most basic fundamental principle of Homoeopathic medicines. Clinically it retains some properties of the solute in the solvent even after the Avogadro Barrier, i.e. Dilution of 1030 and beyond, which in Homoeopathy is called “power 30”. The question that we are trying to answer is if there is any way to test the “presence” of the “properties” in the solute.

Enhance supercontinuum generation in water in the presence of ultra dilute solutions :

The intense ultrashort laser beam, after propagation through a transparent medium (water in this work), experiences self-focusing, thereby increasing the intensities in a localized area to such high values so as to induce nonlinear optical effects like the generation of white light super-continuum and multi-photon absorption. We have carried out experiments for measuring super-continuum generation in water that contains ultra dilute solutes (of ethanol). Our observations of a generation of super-continuum spectra in various solutes indicate that our measurements are able to make a distinction between normal water and water mixed with such ultra-dilute solutes i.e. Homoeopathic medicine


1. P.K. Joshi – Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai.
2. A.K. Dharmadhikari – Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai.
3. P.M. Barvalia – Spandan Holistic Institute of Applied Homoeopathy, Mumbai.
4. V.P. Joshi – Spandan Holistic Institute of Applied Homoeopathy, Mumbai.

A research article published in the Indian Journal of Research in Homoeopathy (Vol. 5, No. 1, January – March 2011)

The second phase of the project going on Super continuum generation in water doped with ultra dilute ethanol.

P.K.Joshi, A.K.Dharmadhikari, J.A Dharmadhikari, and P.M.Barvalia

1. Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai – 400005

2. Department of Atomic and Molecular Physics, Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Manipal – 576104

3. Spandan Holistic Institute of Applied Homeopathy, Mumbai – 400075

Identification of Malnutrition in Urban Slum School Children and to Explore Impact on Mental Health – Read More (Click Here)

Holistic Intervention for Children with Mood Disorder – Read More (Click Here)

Identification of Children with Disruptive Behaviour in Mainstream Municipal School – Read More (Click Here)

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