Epilepsy Clinic
Spandan’s Epilepsy clinic offers MULTIDISCIPLINARY services to patients with Epilepsy.
Epilepsy can present alone or with comorbidity like CEREBRAL PALSY, MR, AUTISM etc. It can also come with genetic and metabolic disorders.
Epilepsy is one of the most common serious neurological conditions, and 30 to 40% of people with epilepsy have seizures that are not controlled by medication. Patients are considered to have refractory epilepsy if disabling seizures continue despite appropriate trials of two antiseizure drugs, either alone or in combination. At this point, patients should be referred to multidisciplinary epilepsy centers that perform specialized diagnostic testing to first determine whether they are, in fact, pharmacoresistant, and then, if so, offer alternative treatments.
We conduct workshops for patients. We had a wonderful interdisciplinary workshop under the guidance of renowned neurologist Dr. Pravina Shah.
Following experts gave services.
- Dr. Pravina Shah (Senior Neurologist)
- Dr. Praful Barvalia ( Convener, Senior Homoeopath)
- Dr. Dhruv Mehta (Co- ordinator)
- Mrs. Sujata Shrivastav (Special Educator)
- Dr Prachi Barvalia (Neurologist)
- Dr. Ram Subramannyam ( Pediatrician)
- Dr Alka Barvalia (Homoeopath and Yoga Therapist)
- Dr. Darshana Bajage (Physiotherapist)
- Dr. Neha Kamble (Occupational Therapist)
- Dr. Rahul Suryavanshi (Homoeopath)
- Mr Kotwal (Orthotist, Prosthetist)
- Dr. Bishnu Behra (Psychiatrist – Homeopath)
- Swapnil Kadam (Social worker.)
Discussion among clinicians of the panel gave very good insight about the nature of complex neurological disorders like refractory epilepsy, pelizaeus merbachar syndrome, Duchene muscular dystrophy and their multidisciplinary management.
We have evaluated 98 children in the camp & many of them attended workshop and subsequent free therapy and management program.
Orthotist & Prosthetist, Mr Kotwal, very senior allied health professional assessed functional limitation of the child & discussed the design of mobility aid & counselled the parents about its utility.