Mother’s Speech:
“My son Neil has had a lot of problems since childhood. He was tremendously restless and would keep running in the house. He would not look us in the eye when we tried to speak to him nor did he show any interest in any conversation or any type of communication. He would only repeat words that he heard from others or keep on repeating the same word again and again. At times he would have episodes of intense fear. He had such intense fear of noise that he would force us to close all the doors and windows and remain inside the house. We were not able to enroll him in any school. He was diagnosed to be Autistic and we started his therapy, which he received regularly. Even then, to our despair, he did not show significant improvement.
We consulted the doctors at the Spandan and also saw their advanced school for Autistic children. We were impressed by their multidisciplinary approach and decided to keep Neil at his Nani’s (Maternal GrandMother) place at Ghatkopar in order to enroll him in the school. In school, he received multidisciplinary care. He would stay there 5 days a week and stay with us on the weekends.
Now his hyperactivity has reduced significantly. He has started giving good eye contact when he is spoken to. His speech has improved and his fear of noise has gone down to a great extent. He participated in the school’s annual functions without any problems. With an improvement in his condition, he was transferred to the school for slow learners and even further we have now been able to integrate him in normal mainstream school. We could have never even dreamt that he would make such progress. He is still receiving homeopathic medicines and benefiting from them.”