At 12 years of age, Rakesh was referred to Spandan by his school teacher for exhibiting abusive and anti-social behaviour. Rakesh had a squint in both eyes, he was obstinate, difficult to manage, aggressive, and often got embroiled in fights for which he landed up in jail three times. He was also afraid of ghosts and the dark, harboured a marked fear of rejection, and often expressed guilt and dejection. Rakesh was diagnosed with depressive symptoms coupled with behavioural problems.
Channelling Spandan’s characteristic multidisciplinary management techniques, Rakesh was administered homeopathic medicine and given individual counselling, behavioural modification therapy, social skills training, and alternate modes of education. His parents were also counselled.
Rakesh also underwent the anger management protocol, followed by counselling sessions targeted towards the development of self-esteem. Through the course of these various therapies, Rakesh’s aggressive and violent tendencies have reduced drastically, and he channels his physical energy into more productive avenues. He’s doing better at his studies, participates in school sports, and even helps his mother with housework. He won second prize at a debate competition in school. He has also started earning and contributing to family finances and plans to pursue higher education.