Enhance super continuum generation in water in the presence of ultra dilute solutions

Project carried out in collaboration with Scientists of Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai

Project by: Dr. Paresh Joshi

Ultra dilution is the most basic fundamental principal of Homoeopathic medicines. Clinically it retains some properties of the solute in the solvent even after the Avogadro Barrier, i.e. Dilution of 1030 and beyond, which in Homoeopathy is called “power 30”. The question that we are trying to answer is if there is any way test the “presence” of the “properties” in the solute.

Enhance super continuum generation in water in the presence of ultra dilute solutions:

Intense ultrashort laser beam, after propagation through a transparent medium (water in this work), experiences self-focusing, thereby increasing the intensities in localized area to such high values so as to induce nonlinear optical effects like the generation of white light super-continuum and multi-photon absorption. We have carried out experiments for measuring super-continuum generation in water that contains ultra dilute solutes (of ethanol). Our observations of generation of super-continuum spectra in various solutes indicate that our measurements are able to make a distinction between normal water and water mixed with such ultra-dilute solutes i.e. Homeopathic medicine


  1. P.K. Joshi – Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai.
  2. A.K. Dharmadhikari- Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai.
  3. P.M. Barvalia- Spandan Holistic Institute of Applied Homoeopathy, Mumbai
  4. V.P. Joshi- Spandan Holistic Institute of Applied Homoeopathy, Mumbai.

Research article published in Indian Journal of Research in Homoeopathy Vol. 5, No. 1, January – March, 2011


Ultra dilution is the most basic fundamental principal of Homoeopathic medicines. Clinically it retains some properties of the solute in the solvent even after the Avogadro Barrier, i.e. Dilution of 1030 and beyond, which in Homoeopathy is called “power 30”. The question that we are trying to answer is if there is any way to test the “presence” of the “properties” in the solute.

Ordinary light is made up of several wavelengths and when generated from a source like light bulb, spreads out in all directions. But laser light has a generation mechanism which leads to emission in extremely narrow pencil-like beam and ideally it should be monochromatic, i.e. consisting of light of single wavelength only. However, in reality laser light consists of wavelengths in a narrow range. In contrast, if laser beam is pulsed and has several wavelengths, it is then possible to produces single pulses of extremely short duration, leading to very intense pulses of light.

When such a light pulse is allowed to pass through optical mediums many counterintuitive phenomena take place, which are not possible through simple light. One such phenomenon is generation of white light. In simple terms it means that while propagating through an optical medium like glass or water, it interacts with medium and generates light in a broad range of wavelengths that are not present in the original pulse, and thus the name white light generation. This generation of white light is dependent on the optical properties of the medium through which the light is propagating. For example, it has been established that when this intense light pulse is sent through water, it has a certain specific broadening in the wavelength. However, when proteins, in minute quantities (micromolar magnitudes), are added to water, the optical properties of water change, leading to changes in the profile of white light generation.

The above experimental idea was used to investigate if Homoeopathic medicines when added to water might lead to any changes in the optical properties of water. Medicines in the form of alcohol were added to water and the generation of white light was compared to the case when plain ethanol was added to water (un-medicated alcohol).   The experimental data revealed that the white light generation was indeed significantly different (for various powers of medicines added to water) compared to plain alcohol in water. Our results thus indicate that the medicated alcohol was indeed altering the physical properties (optical in our case) of water, as compared with plain alcohol added to water, which was detectable by the white light generation using intense ultrashort pulses.

Our results will open new vistas for both theoretical and experimental investigation. Further experimentation is being planned which can lead to a better understanding of the phenomenon that leads to altering of optical properties of water.

These findings have far-reaching implications in exploring potential of homoeopathic medicines. It proves beyond doubt that homoeopathic dilution is definitely different than the solvent. It is interesting to note that white light generated by homoeopathic medicines from different kingdoms are different. Also, they differ from potency to potency. This experiment will open up pathway to identify dilutions in terms of, it belongs to which kingdom, which family and which potency.