Holistic Psycho-educational Intervention in children with uncivilized behavior
Holistic Psycho-educational Intervention in children with uncivilized behavior
Investigators: Dr. Praful Barvalia, Dr. Rahul Suryavanshi, Dr. Bishnu and Dr. Pournima Thakkar
Aim: To study the criminal propensity among the children and adolescent in slum area manage them through “ Holistic Psycho-educational approach”
Children from Municipal schools were evaluated with the help of a well-designed questionnaire and those found positive were taken up for the study. We found 101 students out of a total of 466 students of urban slum schools showing propensity towards conduct issues. They were further evaluated by psychometry and interview and 62 cases were taken up. Cases were being studied by Homoeopathic physicians and psychologists and prescribed Homoeopathy.