Workshop at Spandan – 16th December 2019 by Dr. Hema Parikh
It was an excellent experience to witness a case with Sir and his team at the center at Deonar.
We were almost 8-10 doctors who attended this workshop. It started with a brief introduction of all the members who were from Kerala, Maharashtra Bangalore, and Gujarat. Important documents and forms were circulated.
Two teams were made to witness live case taking with an integrated approach. Live cases were discussed at length in a group in presence of the patient and treating team which included PMB sir, Physiotherapist, treating physician)occupational therapist. A very interactive session where all were free to ask questions and doubts were clarified. On the floor, experience has a great impact.
Case -1 Autism with MR with Meningomalacia, ASD—Case of Carcinosin with the concept of Fastidiousness with profound MR, focused on case taking, the importance of the second prescription, and nosode used n low potency
Case 2-Athetoid CP with mild MR-Case of Nat Mur with wonderful results. Role of multidisciplinary approach and totality of Nat. Mur was understood well
Case-3 Autism with ADHD with Retinopathy, RURTI- Importance of Review. Calc. Iod/ Carcinosin/ and the importance of plussing method.
Case -4 Autistic trait /ADHD/MR — Understanding the importance of Various psychometric tests and its role in follow-up, and Psychosocial Mal adaptive disorder
Case-5 ADHD/Autism—with long follow-ups of 5yrs. Which focused on the management of a very complicated case with various forces and most importantly orientation of patients for Homoeopathy and data? A beautiful case depicted all the difficulties one faces during the management, especially long-distance. Parents were so happy about the improvement. The importance of Posology, Second prescription, and RREF was discussed at length.
Case -6 Live case of GDD-ADHD- where ADHD score was filled followed by CARS and then case taking, totality, Repertorization remedy Phos. All the ancillary measures were discussed in-depth and treatment was started.
The best learning environment was created with constructive interaction with the whole team of Spandan.
Thank you Sir for organizing such a wonderful workshop,
We started the day by 10.30 and continued till 7 pm with a very good lunch. The closing of the session was with Certificate distribution.
Thanks, Praful Sir, and the team for creating a wonderful learning environment. Looking forward to more.