“Advancing Frontiers: Managing Autism and ADHD with Homeopathy”
14th and 15th December 2019, Mumbai
2 Days Seminar: Advancing Frontiers in Science of Homoeopathy: Homoeopathic Management of Autism, ADHD & Behavioural Disorders | Holistic Multidisciplinary Approach
⦿ Organized by: Spandan Holistic Institute of Applied Homoeopathy and Mumbai and Hahnemannian Homoeo Forum (HHF), Mumbai
⦿ Date: 14-15th December 2019
⦿ Time: 09:00 AM to 06:00 PM
⦿ Venue: Lala Lajpatrai Auditorium, Mahalaxmi, Mumbai
An opportunity to learn, perceive, diagnose and manage Autistic spectrum diseases, ADHD and behavioral disorders in a holistic way through an Integrated Multidisciplinary approach with Homoeopathy from stalwarts and senior Homoeopaths possessing decades of committed and dedicated services in this field.
There is a phenomenal rise in the prevalence of Autism and ADHD. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention(CDC) gives an estimate of 1 in 59 children suffering from Autism in the USA. The incidence in India has also gone up substantially. Autism knocks every physician’s door. Hence we are taking up this seminar.
Autism is a deep-seated chronic disease. It presents as a spectrum exhibiting a wide range of symptoms.
Important Highlights of the workshop:
🗹 Understanding the evolution of Autism and developmental pattern and its implications.
🗹 Understanding Autism as a multifactorial phenomenon grasping various etiological and contributory factors.
🗹 Neurons and Synapses: Understanding the Enigma of Autistic Brain.
🗹 Studying frequently coming group of medicines in the management of Autism.
🗹Application of lesser known remedies like Matridonal remedies in the management of Autism.
🗹 Studying the application of Constitutional, Chronic, Phasic and acute remedies in the management of Autism.
🗹 Application of repertory in the management of Autism.
🗹 Understanding dynamic portrait of Remedy.
🗹 Role of ancillary measures and auxiliary modes in the management – occupational therapy, Speech therapy, role of diet, yoga, etc.
🗹 Understanding remedy response in autism for an effective second prescription –learning concepts of follow up Management
🗹 Demonstrating changes in the phases while treating cases of Autism and ADHD. Seeing how resolution takes place by sequential use of indicated homeopathic medicines. Homeopathic medicines improve the state of susceptibility. They also bring about a change in the state of reactivity. When reactivity improves, other characteristics emerge. This leads to the second prescription.
The seminar will provide an enriching learning experience and professional guidance from various experts: Pediatrician, Neurologist, Special educator, Physiotherapist, Clinical psychologist, and Nutrition experts.
It will open up broader and newer insights into the scope and treatment methods to enable special children to lead better lives.
Date and Venue : 14th– 15thDecember 2019, Lala Lajpatrai College Auditorium, Mahalaxmi, Mumbai
Organizers: Spandan Holistic Institute of Applied Homoeopathy and Hahnemannian Homoeo Forum
Principal Speakers: Dr Praful Barvalia. Mr Mike Andrews
Support Speakers: Dr Prachi Barvalia. Dr Ram Subramanium. Dr Krishnakumar Dinde. Dr Mayuresh Mahajan. Dr Piyush Oza. Dr Nrupen Bhutkar, Dr Ajay Shah
Formal ceremony was attended by the following dignitaries :
President of the function: Shri Sudheendraji Kulkarni– Trustee member of Barvalia foundation a noted columnist, past joint secretary in PMO envisioned that Homoeopathy must become the first line of treatment not only in India but across the globe. India has preserved this science and strengthened it and it must spread globally. Greatly inspired by Dr Praful Barvalia’s selfless work in the welfare of physically, mentally and developmentally challenged children and adults he appreciatingly called him a true ‘Karmayogi’.
Chief Guest of the function: Dr Arun Bhasme– Principal, Sonajirao Kshirshagar Homoeopathic Medical College, Beed, urged all to work towards upgradation of Homoeopathy at all levels- Academic, Clinical and Government.
Guest of Honour, Dr Dhanaji Bagal– Dean Homoeopathic faculty MUHS. Hon Vice President, YMT Homoeopathic Medical College, Navi Mumbai,said he has vistited Spandan Institute several times and has great appreciation for its immense contribution in the field of Research and Academics.
Dr Pramodini Page– Principal, YMT Homoeopathic Medical College expressed her gratitude and wished Spandan to continue the good work and said seminars provide a learning platform for all.
Dr Kishore Mehta– Founder member of HERI and a very senior homoeopath and educationist appreciated Dr.Praful Barvali for his contribution in implememting true Hahnemannian Homoeopathy through Spandan.
Dr N L Tiwari– Director, Dr M L Dhawale Memorial Homoeopathic Institution and Member Governing Body of CCH gave his blessings to Spandan and HHF team.
Dr Praful Barvalia– Founder Chairman, Director and Trustee of Spandan Holistic Institute of Applied Homoeopathy. He appreciated the coming together of all Homoeopaths to march ahead for a common cause of bringing about awareness about needs of special children and empower the DIVINE kids. He expressed that Homoeopathy has tremendous potential and we must excel in academics, research and documentation of our work. All like-minded people must collaborate and crystallize the vision of putting HOMOEOPATHY in the mainstream. He thanked HHF for collaborating to organizing this seminar
Mr Mike Andrews– DSH RSHom UK, a full time Homoeopathic Practitioner since 1990 having special interest in Autism.
Dr Mayuresh Mahajan– President HHF Mumbai ,expressed great happiness on collaborating with Spandan towards spreading Homoeopathic education.
Mrs Shalu Rao– Wife of Late Dr Milind Rao, Founder of HHF and an eminent homoeopath was also present on the occassion
Dr Vishpala Parathasarathy, Editor of National Journal of Homoeopathy( NJH) and Dr Manish Bhatia, Director Hpathy.com also graced the occasion with their presence.
The seminar was attended by 240 delegates from all over India.
Important highlights of the seminar:
- Understanding evolution of Autism and its developmental pattern
- Understanding etiological factors in the multifactorial spectrum of autism.
- Identifying the pattern of features presented, studying the pathophysiology and matching it with the remedy
- Usage of constitutional and phasic remedies and understanding the pattern of sequence of remedies.
- Studying commonly indicated remedies in regressive and hyperkinetic states
- Role of various investigations
- Importance of documentation
- Follow up analysis with the help of psychometric parameters.
- Remedy response evaluation
- Role of occupational therapy, speech therapy, diet and nutrition
- Understanding the Enigma of autistic brain with its network of neurons and synapses
The opening session of the Autism seminar was conducted by DR PRAFUL BARVALIA. Opening and concluding lines in the seminar were dedicated to the genius artist and sculptor MICHELANGELO from Italy who created beautiful masterpieces and captured the portrait amazingly and himself had autistic traits. The effectiveness of homoeopathy in neurodevelopment disorders of children was demonstrated through well documented cases.
Case 1– A well documented case of a 7-year-old child with Autism and ADHD presenting with Regressive features on which Hyosyamus was prescribed. Within one year of treatment his performance improved substantially.He could be rehabilitated well into mainstream and became a double graduate. The sequence of indicated remedies- Hyoscyamus- Nux Vomica- Medorrhinum; Stramonium- Medorrhinum were explained.
Case 2- A 9-year-old female from slum area with regressive features of Autism and profound Mental Retardation. Importance of integration of Clinico pathological correlations ( Post encephalopathy neurological complications with psychological features )was demonstrated. Child was prescribed Hyosyamus 200 and within two years of homoeopathic treatment the child’s aesthetic improved with significant reduction in autistic features.
Case 3– Moderate Autism (CARS 35.5) with ADHD. Regressive features and echolalia. Hyoscyamus 200 ,3 powders per week followed later by LM potency based on understanding of susceptibility and sensitivity of child brought about great improvement.
Case 4– 2yrs 8 month child of Autism with mild MR. This child had intense fear of downward motion and sensitivity to sound. He was prescribed Borax moderate potency, infrequent repetition. At the end of two years cognitive ability improved to ‘Bright-Normal Intelligence’. This child after Borax- required Stramonium- then Nux vomica based on the new features that came up.
Other cases– An orphaned child of Autism with moderate MR and severe regressive pattern following death of grandmother who had been her care taker ,was helped with Natrum Mur. Case of Learning Disability with Conduct Disorder and syphilitic miasm responded well to Anacardium.
Every single case was supported by all the required investigations, psycho-educational assessments, sensory profiling and comparative follow up scores to measure improvement statistically.
Guidelines given by Dr.Barvalia –
- Number of cases of ASD present as one-sided disease. These have poor susceptibility, poor reactivity and hardly any PQRS.
- Autism is a multifactorial phenomenon- Genetic, Metabolic, Miasmatic, and Psychosocial. Aetiology – Genetic factors, Consanguinous marriage, Biotidinase deficiency, organic causes should be ruled out.
- Identify the pattern, co-relate the pathophysiology with the entire picture to reach the well indicated remedy.
- Autistic children express in four domains – Behaviour- Kinetic– restlessness hyperactive or passive indolent ; Sensory processing impairment ; Speech and communication ;Socialization . Identify if the child is in Kinetic or Regressive Axis.
- Investigations – EEG, BERA, IQ, VSMS, CARS, ATEC, HS, Karyotyping, serum serotonin.
- Occupational therapy, Speech therapy, Special education, Remediation is important.
- Clinically verified commonly indicated drugs for regressive pattern are Hyoscyamus, Belladonna, Bufo, Mercury, Stramonium, Baryta Carb, Opium and Acid phos.
- Drugs commonly indicated as seen in the research project with AYUSH were-
First prescription — Carcinosin, Stramonium, Nux Vomica, Hyoscyamus, Tuberculinum, Tarentula, Phosphorus and Natrum Mur .
As per behaviour pattern the remedies commonly indicated were-
Kinetic– Stramonium, Tarentula Hisp, Cina;
Regressive– Hyoscyamus, Veratrum Alb, Baryta Carb, Zincum Met;
Sensory– Phos, China, Nux Vomica;
Core could be of Nat Mur, Carcinosin, Medorrhinum, Tubercular.
- Early intervention in ADHD & Conduct disorders can help to prevent various ‘Nirbhayas’ in the society and the children can be directed towards positivity and productivity through homoeopathic Simillimum if administerd during their formative years.
He shared his rich experiences of treating cases of Autism with Constitutional drugs, Nosodes, Sarcodes ,and a new concept of ‘Homoeopathic Detox Therapy’ and “Matridonal Remedies’ with illustrative cases. Detox therapy helps in removing the toxic effects that may have been produced due to long term consumption of certain drugs and also ill effects of vaccinations. It is indicated when patients who do not respond to well indicated homoeopathic remedy, frequent relapses, identifiable causative factor and toxicity. Detox remedies used were Streptococcin ,Alcohol, DPT, MMR, Hepatitis B vaccine, poly metal combination, poly steroid combination and Aluminium. ‘Matridontal Remedies’ viz. Placenta, Amniotic fluid, Umbilical cord, Vernix, Lac Maternum, Lac Humanum were also discussed with indications.
DR RAM SUBRAMANIUM, Senior Pediatrician stressed on the importance of knowledge of normal developmental milestones and precise diagnosis. Importance of antenatal, natal and post-natal medical history was highlighted. Love, Affection and Appreciation are extremely important when interacting with children. Main Treatment for any disorder from ‘Cold to Cancer’ is Diet ; Preventive and ‘NEERAAS’- Nutrition, Essential Supplements, Exercise, Rest, Attitude positive and Spirituality. Daily requirement of all nutrients with its calculation in children was demonstrated. Development checklist charts, diet and nutrition tips useful to every practitioner was shared.
DR PRACHI BARVALIA a bright young neurologist shared her understanding on Neurons and synapses and understanding enigma of the autistic brain. She discussed DSM 5 criteria for diagnosing autism and other relevant tests required for diagnosis like ADOS, CARS2, GARS2. The etiological factors like genetics, immune system, gut bacteria, environmental factors and structural problems were dealt in great depth. Concept of “Neuroplasticity”i.e. the brain’s ability to heal by reorganizing itself by forming new neural connections throughout life to accomplish the needed function was put forward, thus paving a new hope for Autism.
DR PIYUSH OZA, Senior Homoeopathic consultant from Spandan demonstrarted the Effectiveness of Homoeopathic Therapeutics in the Management of Autism Spectrum with a case , showimg how the prescriber travels with the child through his ups and downs in the journey of life. He analysed all the cases taken up in the AYUSH Research Project and presented his study on the common causes, pattern of improvement seen and outcome of treatment.
DR NRUPEN BHUTKAR, PhD scholar gave an overview of sensory processing disorders right from classification, evaluation and management which involves a multidisciplinary approach like Occupational and Behavioral therapy play a great role. Commonly indicated remedies in Sensory Processing Disorder are Stramonium, Borax, Tarentula, Medorrhinum etc were mentioned
DR AJAY SHAH from Rajkot in his emotional speech expressed gratitude and how he has skilfully utilized the training received at Spandan in Ramkrishna Mission Ashram and his practice. He also narrated a case.
DR KRISHNAKUMAR DINDE Spoke on Epigenetics and theory of jumping genes which was put forward by Barbara Mc Clintock who received a Nobel Prize in 1983 for it. Epigenetics means gene expression that does not involve a change in DNA sequence – a change in phenotype without the change in genotype. A hypothesis that dynamic homoeopathic remedies may have a curative role here was shared. Cases of mild autism with epilepsy and moderate autism requiring Carcinosin and Hyoscyamus respectively were presented. Effect and risk of emotional and psychic factors in mother during pregnancy causing Autism was shared. Discussion on first prescription, follow ups, potency and management done.
DR MAYURESH MAHAJAN presented cases of autism and a case of cerebral palsy with autism managed with Triticum Vulgaris. The drug was understood in the light of Materia Medica with indications like pertinacity, pleasant personality with positive attitude being used as guiding symptoms. Stress during pregnancy as a causative factor for Autism was reinforced..
PANEL DISCUSSION comprised of Dr Taral Nagda- Paediatric orthopaedic surgeon, Dr Dhruv Mehta- Senior physiotherapist in neurodevelopmental disability, Mrs Purnima Thackar- Senior Clinical Psychologist, Mrs Sujata Shrivastava and Mrs Ajanta Iyer- Senior Special Educators, Mrs Sudha Shetty- Principal Spandan Special School along with Dr Praful Barvalia , Dr Mayuresh Mahajan , Mr Mike Andrews, Dr.Piyush Oza and Dr.K.Dinde
Conclusion of the seminar with wonderful musical evening and artistic display of talents by children from Spandan Special School, truly demonstrating the fact that “Every Child Has a Divine Potential”.